How Masks Can Keep Your Hospital Safe

Photo by CDC on Pexels

If this recent health pandemic has taught us anything, it is that we need to do a better job of protecting ourselves from viruses. Doctors, nurses, and other hospital personnel are on the front lines of the pandemic. With this in mind, hospital staff need the best protection to ensure safety for both themselves and their patients. A great tool in the fight against the spread of viruses is a mask. Indeed, a mask provides a multitude of benefits for both the ones wearing them and surrounding people. However, there are several different kinds of masks, all with their own pros and cons. In this article, we will go over some of the essential masks you will find in a hospital. Also, we will show you how these masks keep your hospital safe during these troubling times.

The Different Masks You Will Need in a Hospital 

If you are responsible for purchasing medical equipment for a hospital, masks should be the highest thing on your to-do list. In recent weeks, research has shown that when doctors, nurses, and other medical staff wear masks, there is less risk in getting a virus born illness. However, there are many mask variations on the market. Therefore, you must understand what masks are right for your facility. Here is a shortlist of some of the masks you can find for hospital use.

3M N95 Masks

If you have turned on the news within the last six weeks, chances are you know what an N95 mask is. Also, if you work in a hospital, you have been familiar with the N95 mask for much longer. Indeed, for many years the N95 mask has been used in hospitals when trying to prevent the spread of viruses. There are several benefits to using an N95 mask when comparing them to other options found in a hospital. For example, nothing compares to the filtration capabilities of an N95 mask. According to the CDC, an N95 mask can filter up to 95% of all airborne particles, including viruses and other harmful bacteria. Also, due to the tight-fitting nature of the N95 mask, there is a minimal chance of any harmful viruses or particles leaking outside of the mask.

However, despite all the benefits that come with using an N95 mask, there are also a lot of cons. For example, there is expense associated with the N95 mask. When you compare the N95 mask to other masks on the market, it is easy to see that the N95 is one of the most expensive masks. If you are purchasing masks for a large hospital, it may be challenging to stay within budget when ordering N95 masks. Also, due to the ongoing health pandemic, it is extremely difficult to find the N95 mask in stock.

Surgical Masks

Surgical masks are by far the most common masks you will find in a hospital. Indeed, there are several positives when it comes to a surgical mask. For example, the average cost for a surgical mask is much lower when compared to other categories of masks on the market. Hospitals can get a massive supply of surgical masks for a fraction of the cost of an N95 mask. Also, a surgical mask provides a basic level of protection. When you wear a surgical mask, it protects against a variety of respiratory emissions from the patient. If you are looking to get surgical masks for your hospital, we recommend you get the Cardinal Surgical Mask Classic Pleated Ties. The Cardinal Surgical Mask Classic Pleated Ties provides all the benefits of a surgical mask while also supplying the quantity your hospital needs.

However, a surgical mask comes with a few potential problems. For example, a surgical mask does not offer the same protection when compared to an N95 mask. While the N95 can guard against both small and large particles, the surgical mask has no such capability. In fact, a surgical mask’s function is to help guard against fluids and large droplets. It also protects against a variety of respiratory emissions. Also, you must get rid of a surgical mask after every use. It is for this reason that if you purchase surgical masks for your hospital, you will need to purchase a larger quantity.

Face Shield Masks 

Face shield masks are great on their own and even better when you combine them with other masks. Masks like a surgical mask are great for a lot of reasons. However, a surgical mask has a lot of limitations when it comes to protecting you from outside contaminants. With this in mind, it makes sense that you would want some extra protection to go along with your surgical mask. A face shield mask provides a hard-plastic shield around your entire head. This hard-plastic shield guards you against any respiratory emissions, as well as a variety of particles that may be in the air.

With all the added benefits that come with using a face shield mask, there are also some downsides. One of the most significant downsides comes with keeping the face shield mask clean. Unlike an N95 mask or a surgical mask that can easily be disposed of, you cannot do so with a face shield mask. Since the face shield mask consists of hard plastic materials, they are much more expensive when compared to other masks. With this in mind, it makes more sense to clean face shield masks as much as possible to avoid replacing them. The constant cleaning of these masks makes it inconvenient to use them for an extended amount of time.

Buying Your Masks from the Right Company

Photo by EVG photos from Pexels

No matter what masks you choose to buy, you need to get them from the right company. Here at AAA Wholesale Company, we take pride in offering a wide variety of masks to our customers. We understand that this is a demanding time for the medical community; that is why we are trying our best to have all the necessary masks in stock. If we do not have the mask you are looking for, we can point you to alternatives we do offer. If you are interested in ordering medical supplies for your hospital, we encourage you to come to our website today.

The Different Pumps and Tubes that Keep a Hospital Running


In these trying times, we are relying more and more on hospitals to keep us safe. In order for hospitals to provide the very best service, they need the proper equipment. Unfortunately, as hospitals continue to strain their resources to deal with the influx of patients, it can be hard to determine what supplies are necessary to order and which ones are not.

If you are in charge of purchasing supplies for a hospital, it is your responsibility to determine the supplies you need. Two categories that serve a crucial role in the day to day operations of hospitals are tubes and pumps. Indeed, pumps and tubes serve a multitude of purposes in the hospital setting. In this article, we will go over all the different kinds of tubes and pumps you will need. Also, we will give our recommendations for the best equipment in order to ensure you provide the best services for your patients.

The World of Pumps and Tubes

One thing to take away from this article is that there is a multitude of pumps and tubes that help hospitals run on a daily basis. These pumps and tubes serve a variety of functions and services for a hospital. Here is a list of some of the tubes and pumps you will need to keep your hospital running properly.

Feeding Tubes 

One of the most essential tubes in a hospital is the feeding tube. The primary purpose of these tubes is to transport vital fluids and substances into the patient in question. There are several different kinds of feeding tubes you can get. For example, most medical professionals believe the best material to use for a feeding tube is polyurethane. Indeed, polyurethane is a light, durable material. This durable material will ensure you will not have to continually order a new feeding tube due to damage or wear and tear.

When it comes to the best feeding tube, we recommend you use the Sterile Dobbhoff Nasogastric Feeding Tube. The Sterile Dobbhoff Noasogastic Feeding tube will provide you with the very best in a feeding tube. The tube is made out of a weighted polyurethane material to ensure durability. Also, the Sterile Dobbhoff Nasogastric Feeding Tube is equipped with a large bolus tip to ensure the feeding tube stays in place during the feeding process. Finally, the feeding port will not work with IV connectors to help prevent any accidental infusions.

IV Tubes

One of the most common and yet essential tubes used in a hospital is the IV tube. The IV tube transports crucial fluids into the patient. The tube is usually attached to an IV bag that contains the fluids in question. IVs and IV tubes are essential because they allow the patient to take in nutrients and medicine intravenously when they are not able to take them naturally.

Also, on a side note, we recommend you get an IV tube labeling system. Indeed, there are multitudes of fluids that can pass through an IV. With this mind, it is safer for both you and the patient if all the tubes are labeled, which will prevent any dangerous mix-ups.

Dispensing Pumps

One of the most important lessons we have learned from this epidemic is that we need to reduce the spread of viruses by minimizing as much contact as possible. Dispensing pumps are great to get the fluids or gels you need while keeping your contact with the container as minimal as possible. The dispensing pumps work by placing the pump in a container, usually filled with soap or another disinfectant. When you want to use the container, you just lightly press the pump to dispense the desired fluid or gel. This process enables patients and hospital staff to stay clean without compromising themselves with harmful bacteria or viruses.

Disinfecting Your Tubes & Pumps 

While tubes and pumps are essential for daily hospital life, it is equally vital to disinfect the ones you have. We have learned in recent weeks that viruses and other bacteria spread quicker in a hospital than in any other location. With this in mind, hospital staff must do their part to ensure all the tubes and pumps used are free of any contamination.

An excellent chemical to use to disinfect all your tubes and pumps is a non-aerosol germicidal based spray. These sprays allow you to clean a number of different surfaces and instruments properly. Also, using a spray allows you to keep a safe distance while cleaning any area you see fit.

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Buying your Tubes and Pumps from the Right Place 

In this trying time, we all need a helping hand and a positive experience. Here at AAA Wholesale Company, we understand that our customers need us now more than ever. Indeed, we are proud to stand on the front lines with doctors, nurses, and other medical staff. Over the past several weeks, we have worked ourselves to the bone to ensure we can provide the necessary equipment to hospitals around the country. We are still proud to offer a wide selection of equipment, supplies, and cleaners. Also, we are doing our best to ensure we stay stocked up on the more essential items.

If you are in charge of purchasing equipment and supplies for a hospital or other medical facility, we encourage you to come to our website today. Also, if you do not find the items you are looking for, we have a customer service team ready to help you navigate these rough waters and get you the supplies you need. We would also like to take this time to thank all the doctors, nurses, and other medical staff for putting their safety on the line to ensure the well=being of those they serve.

Carts and Other Transport Methods in Hospitals



Getting items from one part of a hospital to another is essential. Therefore, transporting equipment and other supplies is crucial. If you are responsible for purchasing in a hospital, this transportation need is a consideration. There are several options when it comes to transporting equipment and other supplies in a hospital setting. Utilizing carts is the most practical way of moving items through a hospital. However, carts differ widely. In fact, there are special carts for many transportation functions in a hospital. In this article, we address different kinds of carts as well as other transportation ideas.

Utility Carts 

The most common cart found in any hospital is a utility cart. These carts provide a simple system to transport specific equipment. These carts also transport supplies throughout the hospital. Most utility carts come with three small shelves. Also, utility cart materials vary. Some are made with polyethylene. Others consist of metal. However, there are some downsides to using a utility cart. First, most are simplistic in nature. They don’t have any specialized slots for specific equipment. Also, there are no security features on a utility cart. Equipment and supplies are left out in the open. This makes them vulnerable to theft in the hospital.

Purchasing a utility cart is beneficial. We recommend the Polyethylene Utility Cart by Lakeside. The polyethylene Utility Cart by Lakeside provides a solution for transportation in hospitals. It is simple and reliable. Also, the price is extremely affordable.

Medication Carts 

A medication cart is useful for more specific needs. Unlike a utility cart, a medication cart utilizes drawers instead of shelves. These drawers come equipped and ready to carry prescription drugs throughout the hospital. An added benefit of using a medication cart is the enhanced security. Depending on the medication cart you purchase, the drawers have locking mechanics. This ensures your medication stays safe throughout the transportation process.


Bags are great for transporting items that do not need to be protected by shelves or drawers. Also, it is common for utility and other carts to come with attachments that allow you to attach a bag directly to the cart.

If the hospital or medical facility you work for needs a transportation solution, we recommend you come to our website today. Here at AAA Wholesale Company, we offer an unbeatable selection. We guarantee that you will find a solution that works for you.

All the Different Meters You Will Need



For a hospital to run at its best, the staff needs to stay informed. Indeed, during this medical pandemic, it is critical that our doctors and other medical staff remain informed so they can do their job. Meters can measure a whole list of vitals and provide additional information about the patient. For example, glucose levels, urine samples, and breathing levels are all measured by meters. In this article, we will go over a few meters necessary to purchase for a hospital or other medical facility.

Blood Glucose Meters

A standard meter that you will find in most medical facilities is a blood glucose meter. Glucose is an element of sugar, and the blood glucose test determines how much glucose is in your blood. Knowing this information is critical when you are dealing with certain patients. Indeed, when a doctor deals with a patient that has diabetes or issues with high or low blood sugar, it is key they know the blood glucose level. If a doctor is not careful, they could give a patient medication that could harm them.

The best method for retrieving a blood glucose level is using a blood glucose meter. A blood glucose meter operates by the patient pricking their hand with a test strip and collecting blood. Next, the test strip proceeds to go in a meter that then analyzes the amount of glucose. Often the meters are incredibly portable due to the fact that a patient may need to measure their glucose at any time. We recommend you use the Bayer Contour Glucose Meter. The Bayer Contour Glucose Meter provides all the essential information in a simple way that both doctors and patients alike can understand.

Toxic Drug Screening Meters 

One of the most useful meters in any hospital is a toxic drug screening meter. A toxic drug screening meter takes a sample from a patient’s blood. It then analyzes it to see if any drugs are in the patient’s system. There are several benefits of screening a patient before you begin treatment forthem. First, testing a patient beforehand will allow the doctor to determine if there will be any drug interference when prescribing medicine. Also, if a patient is suffering from an overdose, the doctor will be able to decide on a proper course of action once they know what the drug is. We recommend that you get your medical facility the Rapid Diagnostic Test Kit Triage Tox Drug Screening meter. The Rapid Diagnostic Test Kit is an excellent solution if you are looking for a meter that can handle the high volume of a hospital.

For more information on meters we recommend you come to our website. Here at AAA Wholesale Company, we take pride in our industry-leading inventory. You can rest easy knowing that any medical supply you may need, we have it ready for you.

Collection Tubes and the Role They Play in Modern Medicine

collection tubes
collection tubes
Photo by Josh Hemsley on Unsplash

In recent decades, collection tubes have proven to be a vital resource in both the medical and scientific fields. Indeed, collection tubes provide a convenient way to transport and test blood. If you are responsible for purchasing at hospitals, labs, or other medical facilities, you need to know all you can about collection tubes. In this article, we will go over the basics of collection tubes and what you need to know to make a responsible purchase. Also, we will discuss the best places to buy your collection tubes.

What are Collection Tubes 

Collection tubes can go by many names, depending on what they are being used for. For example, they can be referred to as serums tubes, serum separator tubes, SSts, and gold-topped tubes. The primary function of a collection tube is to collect and provide transport for blood and other materials. Also, a collection tube provides easy access to the blood inside. This ease of access is beneficial if you are running tests on the blood inside a collection tube.

Different Kinds of Collection Tubes 

Not all tubes perform the same function when collecting blood. Indeed, there are several different kinds of collection tubes that all perform specific tasks. The first significant classification is a serum tube. A serum tube has silica particles that aid in the clotting of blood. Once the blood clots, the serum tube will then be able to collect the serum of the blood cells. Serum tubes come in many colors, depending on the brand. Gold and red are the two most common colors when identifying serum tubes. We recommend you go with something like the BD 367983. The BD 367983 is a great and affordable serum tube.

The next primary class of tubes is the anticoagulant tubes. Anticoagulant tubes operate as the exact opposite of a serum tube. While serum tubes try to clot the blood, anticoagulant tubes want to prevent clotting altogether. Blood that cannot clot is excellent if you need to collect plasma or blood cells. The process by which the anticoagulant prevents clotting depends on the brand and style. For example, EDTA, or purple, anticoagulant tubes prevent clogging by introducing calcium into the blood.

Buying Your Collection Tubes 

The place you buy your collection tubes is just as important as the collection tubes you use. Indeed, collection tubes hold valuable materials; you must treat them with care by providing excellent collection tubes. Here at AAA Wholesale, we want to ensure you are providing the best service to your patients by giving you the very best in equipment. All the collection tubes we stock, including the BD 367983, are the best collection tubes on the market. If you are responsible for purchasing at a hospital or other medical facility, we encourage you to visit our website. We offer industry-leading equipment at prices that can fit any budget.

A Vital Signs Monitor and the Role It Plays in Medicine

vital signs monitor
vital signs monitor
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

One of the essential tools in a medical professional’s kit is a vital signs monitor. Indeed, when you are caring for a patient, you must have the best information possible, on time. However, if you are responsible for purchasing in a hospital or other medical facility, you know firsthand how confusing the vital signs monitor market is. There are dozens of features and options designed for a variety of scenarios. In this article, we are going to break down precisely what a vital signs monitor is as well as what you need to look for while purchasing one.

What is a Vital Signs Monitor?

To put it simply, a vital signs monitor is a device that monitors specific vitals of a patient. However, not all vital signs monitors are created equal. Different vital signs monitors are designed to measure particular vitals. Depending on the needs of the hospital, doctor’s office, or other medical facility, that determines what vital signs monitor you need. Some common vital signs that are measured are pulse, blood pressure, respiration, and temperature.

What You Need to Look for in a Vital Signs Monitor 

If you are in the market for a vital signs monitor, you need to ask yourself a few questions. First, who are you buying this monitor for? If you are looking for a monitor for an emergency room, you need a monitor that offers essential information. Pulse, blood pressure, and respiration are all critical in an emergency room environment. Next, a patient that’s admitted to the hospital will need a more well-rounded vital signs monitor. Therefore, blood pressure, oximetry, and temperature will give medical professionals a good overview of the patient’s condition. We recommend you use the Welch Allyn 42NTB-E1 to satisfy those needs.

The next question you need to ask is what features are essential for you. Beyond the ability to read vitals, these monitors come with a lot of features. For example, you can get a monitor with a large digital LCD Screen. This screen is great for quickly reading a patient’s vitals. Next, you could get a monitor that is capable of printing the patient’s vitals. Also, you can now get monitors that can store patient data right on the monitor. This feature is excellent for doctors, or other medical professionals that need to study the vitals of a patient.

Why Maintenance is Important

No matter what monitor you choose to buy, you need to understand the importance of maintenance. Keeping good care of your vital signs monitor will ensure it will last longer. Here are some tips to keep your monitor in top shape. Perform visual inspections every day to see if the monitor has any damage. Also, clean your monitor to prevent the build-up of dust and other dirt. Finally, change the monitor’s batteries when they begin to show signs of age.

Buying from the Right Supplier 

Buying from the right supplier is just as important as the vital signs monitor you choose. Here at AAA Wholesale Company, we take pride in offering industry-leading products at a price that works for everyone’s budget. Also, we provide excellent customer service to answer any question. Come to our website today and choose the right vital signs monitor for you.

The Best Sterilizer for Medical Environments

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A sterile work environment is possibly the most important thing in a medical facility. Indeed, a sterile work environment provides dozens of benefits. For instance, the spread of viruses and other harmful bacteria are stopped immediately in a sterilized environment. In the world of sterilizer technology, there are a few standards that medical professionals implement. In this article, we will go over a couple of items and pieces of technology you can use to keep your medical facility sterilized.

Anti-Bacterial Soap and Cleaning Wipes 

The most essential sterilizing agents you need for a medical facility are anti-bacterial soaps and cleaning wipes. Anti-bacterial soap and cleaning wipes provide a basic level of defense against spreading bacteria from doctor to patient. Also, these items are usually the cheapest option when it comes to sterilization. However, while anti-bacterial soap and cleaning wipes act as suitable sterilizers, they should not be your only form of defense. First, with cleaning wipes, it is difficult to know if you have sterilized everything. Also, anti-bacterial soap and cleaning wipes do not protect you from every harmful element you will find in a medical environment. 

Instrument Cleaner and Sterilizer 

If you work in a medical environment where you use medical instruments on a daily basis, you must get an instrument cleaner and sterilizer. In fact, medical instruments are more likely to have harmful bacteria and viruses on them than any other location in a medical facility. With this in mind, there are a few things you need to consider before you purchase any instrument cleaner and sterilizer. First, you can’t use regular soap or other basic cleaners. You need to use a multi-enzymatic cleaner. Only a multi-enzymatic cleaner is powerful enough to sterilize medical instruments. Also, you need to get a sterilizer that has a scent. A scent will help you identify if a medical instrument is sterilized or not.

Why The Autoclave Steam System is the Best Sterilizer 

If you want the very best sterilizer system for your medical institution, look no further then the autoclave steam system. The autoclave steam system showcases how technology provides unbeatable sterilizing capability. Autoclave steam sterilization works by using pressurized steam to clean anything from medical instruments to medical waste. The autoclave steam machine creates steam that reaches a temperature of around 121 degrees Celsius. After the steam reaches peak temperature, it then takes up to 20 minutes for your items to sterilize, depending on the size of the item.

If you are in the market for an autoclave steam system, we recommend the Midmark Ritter M9-042. The Midmark Ritter M9-042 provides industry-leading technology and features. With a Steam-flush pressure pulse air removal system and LCD, you have the best sterilizer money can buy. Click on the link above and learn how the Midmark Ritter M9-042 can provide all your sterilizer needs.

What You Need to Look for in Instrument Cleanser

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An essential item for any hospital, doctor’s office, or other medical institution is instrument cleanser. Indeed, clean instruments not only help contain germs and viruses, but also help build a positive perception for your business. You must choose the right instrument cleanser if you oversee the purchasing for a medical institution. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know to make an informed decision about instrument cleanser.

The Instrument Cleanser You Choose Matters

It is important to begin this discussion by going over what is classified as proper instrument cleanser. When you are dealing with surgical instruments or other medical items, you can’t use just any soap. You need a chemical that can break down any germ, virus, or other substance that may exist on the instrument. The reason you want to achieve this level of clean is to reduce the spread of any harmful bacteria from patient to patient. You need what is known as multi-enzymatic cleanser or detergent. Only a multi-enzymatic cleaner can remove what is necessary for medical professionals to perform their jobs well. These substances include your underlying bacteria and viruses as well as blood, tissue, protein, and other soils.

Also, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the number of available options. Indeed, there are liquids and foams, and they all come in a variety of scents. We recommend you use the multi-enzymatic cleanser made by McKesson. McKesson provides a premium product that is affordable for both major hospitals and mom and pop doctor’s offices. Furthermore, McKesson provides a variety of different sizes and scents to accomplish your needs.

Why Scent Matters

At first glance, it may not seem that important if your instrument cleanser has any scent. However, scent plays a vital role in the cleanser you choose.

First, as any medical professional will tell you, even though an instrument looks clean, it doesn’t always mean it is clean. If you were to get an odorless cleaner, you would often find it difficult to know if a particular instrument is clean or not. A scent acts as an excellent cue to the person responsible for cleaning if the said instrument is clean or not.

Second, certain scents or odors may irritate some people. As the person who purchases supplies for a medical institution, you need to know the elements that cause this irritation. Fortunately, these days most odors in cleansers are mild enough where they don’t cause any adverse effects.

When looking for what scent to choose, we recommend going with eucalyptus spearmint. This scent is mild enough where it won’t cause any irritation to you or the patients. Also, the spearmint adds a crisp scent that will let you know your instruments are clean.

Choosing the Right Supplier

No matter what instrument cleanser you decide to get, you need to select the right supplier. Here at AAA Wholesale Company, we take pride in offering industry-leading services at prices that are affordable. If you require any medical supplies, come to our website today and learn how you can save money.

3 Different Types of IVs

Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash

IVs have become essential medical supplies for hospitals and even some doctors’ offices. If you are responsible for purchasing at a hospital, you must know what IVs are and the different types. Indeed, knowing this information will ensure that the hospital or doctor’s office you work for will be able to provide the best medical care possible. In this article, we will go over what IVs are and the three primary categories into which they are classified.

What Is an IV 

IVs act as a delivery system to introduce certain items into the patient’s body. Blood, medication, or other fluids are delivered into the body through an IV. IVs are most commonly inserted into a vein in your arm but may be put in different places depending on the patient’s condition.

Peripheral IV 

A peripheral IV is the most commonly used IV in a medical situation. Peripheral IVs are for patients that are admitted into the emergency room or for surgical patients. Peripheral IVs are inserted into the hand or arm of the patient through a device called a cannula. A cannula is a small plastic tube that helps introduce medicine into the patient’s body. Also, doctors recommend that you do not leave a peripheral IV in a patient for more than a few days. The reason for this is that it can lead to skin irritation and other adverse effects for the patient.

Midline Catheter

If you have a patient that needs an IV for more than a few days, then you should get some midline catheters. Doctors and other medical professionals consider midline catheters to be a less invasive form of IVs. The reason behind this is that a midline catheter requires a more prominent vein, which means it will be inserted higher up on the arm. When the IV is higher on a patient’s arm, it allows for greater mobility with regard to the patient. Also, midline catheters are for older patients, since it may be more difficult for the doctor or nurse to find a vein. It would be best if you did not leave a midline catheter in a patient for longer than a month.

Central Line 

Central lines are for patients that need fluids, blood, or other medications for an extended amount of time. Also, central lines are the most difficult of IVs to insert inside a patient. Doctors prefer to put central lines in the neck, inner thigh, or below the shoulder. To enter the IV in a patient, a medical professional will use an ultrasound to help them find the vein. Additionally, central line IVs are great if you need to introduce medicine into a patient immediately. The reason behind this is that a central line has a direct line to the heart, which means it will travel through the body a lot quicker.

Purchasing IVs 

Finding the right place to purchase IVs and other medical supplies is an essential job if you are a purchaser. Here at AAA Wholesale Company, we provide all the top brands for IVs. We also offer industry-leading customer service, so you know you are getting the best product every time. Come to our website today and learn how you can save both time and money.

5 Essential Supplies for Pre-Surgery Prepping

Photo by Paul Felberbauer on Unsplash

Surgery is a serious event that affects millions of Americans each year. Indeed, surgery relieves and cures hundreds of diseases. As a doctor or medical professional, it is your responsibility to make the surgical experience the best it can be for the patient. Making sure you have the right supplies to prep for surgery is the best way to provide a smooth surgical experience. For instance, cleanser, cleaning cloths, and towels are just a few of many supplies that will come in handy. In this article, we go over the top five supplies you should have for pre-surgery prepping.

Fresh Scrubs

To begin with, the simplest and one of the best things to get before surgery is fresh scrubs. Working in a hospital, you and your clothes are continually coming in contact with dangerous bacteria. This bacteria can become embedded in your scrubs and potentially spread to patients. Replacing your scrubs before surgery will prevent any harmful bacteria infecting the patient when they are in that vulnerable state. Here at AAA Wholesale Company, we provide dozens of options when it comes to scrubs. No matter what color or fabric you prefer, we will have options you will love.

Get A Powerful Cleanser

A surgeon is nothing without his or her tools. Today, modern surgeons have access to dozens of tools and equipment that helps them perform at their best. However, these tools are useless if they are not adequately clean. An excellent way to keep your tools clean is to use a powerful cleanser while cleaning them. A cleanser like Emerel will provide the cleaning power you need for your tools.

Also, using a cleanser for your skin is vital to prevent any dangerous bacteria that may transport over to the patient. Getting a product like Cetaphil Cleanser provides powerful skin cleaning without damaging your skin.

Replace Old Tools 

Unfortunately, cleansers cannot fix every problem with your tools. Having a dull scalpel and scissors is dangerous when it comes to operating on a patient. Indeed, checking to make sure your tools are in good shape during pre-surgery will produce fewer headaches during surgery. If you do find that your scalpels are becoming too dull, it may be time to get new ones.

Cleanser Wipes 

We have discussed cleanser that you can use on your tools and yourself; now we need to talk about the proper way to clean the surfaces in the operating room. Having a reliable cleanser wipe is a quick and easy way to clean all the surfaces of the operating room. At AAA Wholesale Company, we offer dozens of options for cleanser wipes that fit any situation in which you will need them.

Face Masks

 An important theme that has repeated itself in this article is that bacteria is dangerous, especially in hospitals. Indeed, bacteria contracted in a hospital causes thousands of people to get sick every year. For this reason, purchasing heavy-duty face masks before surgery will help keep harmful bacteria contained while you or someone else performs surgery on a patient. We encourage you to go to AAA Wholesale Company to purchase cleanser and other supplies for your pre-surgery needs.